0.22% at 50% replacement compares to normal concrete for mix – 1. Flexural strength decreases from 2.54% to 16.57% as the replacement percentage of silica sand increases for mix – 1. Split tensile strength decreases from 5.39% to 19.78% as the replacement percentage of silica sand increases for mix – 1.
replacement of CSFB aggregate concrete is marginally higher than that of the river sand aggregate concrete at age of 7 days, 14 days and 28 days respectively. Tiara Darshita et al. (June 2014),studied about the strength and workability of different grades of concrete by partial replacement of fine aggregate by crushed brick and recycled glass
The global consumption of natural sand is very high, due to the extensive use of concrete or mortar. The fine and coarse aggregates generally occupy 60% to 75% concrete volume (70% to 85% by mass) and strongly influence the concrete’s fresh and hardened properties. Now a day’s sand is becoming a very scarce material. Natural sand deposits are being depleted and causing serious threats to
The target concrete was class 25 with use of Portland cement CEM I 32.5. River sand passing sieve No. 5 mm and crushed stone with maximum size of 20mm were used. Waste rubber tyres were cut manually into a size less than 20 mm. Grading of the sand and crumb tyre aggregate were graded to BS 812-103.1/2 and ASTM
The suitability of crushed stone dust waste as fine aggregate for concrete has been assessed by comparing its basic properties with that of conventional concrete made with natural sand. Two basic
Abstract- Low cost concrete production by replacement of fine sand with Foundry sand is a new trend and makes effectively use of Waste foundry sand as engineering material by reducing disposal and pollution problem. Waste foundry sand are by-products which appears to possess the potential to partially replace regular sand as a fine aggregate in
The use of crushed rock sand as a partial replacement of river sand in concrete production was and 0.59 for 0 % to 100 % natural sand replacement. The slump ranged between 49 and 60 mm for 0 % to 100 % natural sand replacement. N/mm2. The effective natural sand (RS) replacement ranged between 0 and 60 % with the best results achieved at 20 %
VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BELAGAVI, KARNATAKA-590018 A Project Report on “BEHAVIOUR OF CONCRETE BY PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF COARSE AGGREGATE WITH RECYCLED PLASTIC GRANULES” Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Submitted by Prabesh Thapa 1ox11cv018 Sanju Bhandari 1ox11cv032 Sekandar Shah
such as water filtration, grit plastering, and sand replacement in concrete. Figure1 glass powder Figure2 crushed spent fire bricks. 3.6 Crushed spent fire bricks . The brick bats crushed in coarse powder from were used as a fine aggregate for making concrete. The crushed spent fire bricks are locally available material.
materials to replace sand. This study aimed to investigate the suitability of using crushed brick in concrete. Crushed brick originated from demolished masonry was crushed in the laboratory and added partial sand replacement. Three replacement levels, 15%,20% and 25%, were compared with the control.
VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BELAGAVI, KARNATAKA-590018 A Project Report on “BEHAVIOUR OF CONCRETE BY PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF COARSE AGGREGATE WITH RECYCLED PLASTIC GRANULES” Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Submitted by Prabesh Thapa 1ox11cv018 Sanju Bhandari 1ox11cv032 Sekandar Shah
The purpose of this study was to investigate the PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF NATURAL SAND BY MICROFINES FOR CEMENT CONCRETE. The suitability of crushed stone dust waste as a fine aggregate for concrete has been assessed by comparing its basic properties with that of conventional concrete. Two basic mixes were chosen for natural sand to achieve M25
In this experimental programme, five concrete mixes consist various quantity of palm oil clinker as partial sand replacement were prepared as in Table 1. Control specimens (POC-0) were prepared by using 100% river sand. Another, four concrete mixes consists of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% palm oil clinker by weight of sand were prepared.
Hameed and Sekar5 (2009) studied the effect of crushed stone dust as fine dust and found that flexural strength increases than the concrete with natural sand but the values decreases as the percentage of crusher dust increases The choice of quarry dust as replacement for sand has been supported in the previous study (Manassa, 2010) showing that
of strength characteristics of concrete using crushed pebbles as fine aggregate it is found that there is no increase in compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete when compared with natural sand. Key Words: crushed pebbles, fine aggregate replacement, concrete strength, compressive, tensile, flexural 1.
partial or full replacement to river sand is the need of the hour as a long term solution in Indian concrete industry until other suitable alternative fine aggregate are developed. In the present study, a comparison of the Compressive strengths of River Sand and M-sand is done with the hundred percent replacement of river sand by M sand. Index
concrete when river sand was replaced by crushed sand and up to which extent replacement of river sand is significant in accordance with standards and observed that beyond 70% replacement of river sand compressive strength is not increased and slump value crosses the specified control limit.
complete replacement of M-Sand and Quarry sand in the conventional concrete. 2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the project are: Due to presence of silt and clay in natural sand. If the natural sand is not properly processed, at that point there will be harm in concrete at beginning period. Primary goals are to lower the cost of the building
The suitability of Crushed granite fine (CGF) to replace river sand in concrete production for use in rigid pavement was investigated. Slump, compressive and indirect tensile strength tests were
percentages of waste crushed and rebutted tyre waste after 7, 14 and 28 days curing period has done. It has been observed that the workability increases with increase in the percentage of replacement of rebutted tyre waste and crushed tiles increases. The strength of concrete also increases with the ceramic coarse tile aggregate up to 30%
concrete production practice (Gupta et al., 2019; Mundra et al., 2016). In this work, the effect of partial replacement of NWA with LWA and 100% replacement of desert sand with crushed stone sand was investigated in terms of the fresh and hardened concrete characteristics of the resulting LWAC.
products, the production cost of concrete will go down. Using crushed glass material for the replacement of natural sand can be justified both as a remedial for waste disposal and also for reducing environmental degradation. The primary objective of this study is to find an alternative to natural sand. The secondary objectives include
Mr.A.C.Dubal Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 8, Issue 9 (Part -III) Sep 2018, pp 11-14 RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS The Utilization Of Crushed Stone Dust As A Replacement Of Sand In Cement Concrete Mr.A.C.Dubal Assistant ProfessorSYMBIOSIS SKILL & OPEN UNIVERSITY PUNE.PhD Scholar M.E.Civil (Structure),M.B.A,LMISTE ABSTRACT In concrete as a
such as water filtration, grit plastering, and sand replacement in concrete. Figure1 glass powder Figure2 crushed spent fire bricks. 3.6 Crushed spent fire bricks . The brick bats crushed in coarse powder from were used as a fine aggregate for making concrete. The crushed spent fire bricks are locally available material.
C-25 concrete properties with partial replacement of river sand by manufactured sand. Independent variables • Percentage of manufactured sand. • Properties of fine and coarse aggregates. • Curing age of cubes. Research design The study was an experimental study of C-25 concrete properties with and without replacement of manufactured sand.
materials to replace sand. This study aimed to investigate the suitability of using crushed brick in concrete. Crushed brick originated from demolished masonry was crushed in the laboratory and added partial sand replacement. Three replacement levels, 15%,20% and 25%, were compared with the control.
The results show that concrete containing 15% of limestone fines as replacement of crushed sand reduces the water permeability and increases the gas and chloride-ion permeability. View Show abstract
partial or full replacement to river sand is the need of the hour as a long term solution in Indian concrete industry until other suitable alternative fine aggregate are developed. In the present study, a comparison of the Compressive strengths of River Sand and M-sand is done with the hundred percent replacement of river sand by M sand. Index
mix and (iv) up to 20% of sand replacement with CCB will result in compressive strength that is not significantly different from the control. Keywords: Compressive Strength, Concrete, Crushed cow bone, Density, Workability 1. Introduction Concrete is considered to be a universal construction material for many reasons. It is resistant to water when
crushed stone and sand and gravel. This is an important con-sideration because the substitution of crushed cement con-crete for natural aggregates occurs for end uses more often fulfilled by the use of crushed stone than sand and gravel. THE FUTURE OF CRUSHED CEMENT CONCRETE SUBSTITUTION. The markets for construction aggregates are largely